Saturday, January 22, 2011


My father died on January 22nd 1996, aged just 60, 15 years ago today. He was a sailor when this photo was taken on his wedding day. Just a few days before he died I picked up a copy of Sir Thomas Browne for the first time since my undergraduate days. On the day he died I had a numinous experience and several coincidences in my life occurred.  I remember my father's sound advice  - specialize in order to become an authority upon a subject. 

The figure of the cucullatus  points to the hooded, that is, the invisible one, the genius of the departed, who reappears in the child-like frolics of a new life, surrounded by the sea-forms of dolphins and tritons. The sea is the favourite symbol for the unconscious. -Jung CW 9 i 298.


Tuirgin said...

He looks to have been a very happy man on the day of that photo.

May his memory be eternal.

Kevin Faulkner said...

Hi Turgin!

Hope the new job is going okay and that you find time to blog again. Thanks for your words about my father.

Laurie M. said...

What lovely eyes!

I wish I'd had someone to give me such advice....although deciding upon a focus has always been a great problem of mine.