I've found these books on Thomas Browne to be useful over the decades. From left to right -
* Collected Works of Thomas Browne Religio Medici edited by Reid Barbour and Brooke Conti. pub. Oxford University Press 2023
* Approaches to Sir Thomas Browne, The Ann Arbor Tercentenary Lectures and Essays. edited by C.A.Patrides pub. Uni. of Missouri Press 1982
* The Opium of Time: Gavin Francis pub. Oxford Uni.Press 2023
* Sir Thomas Browne- Joan Bennett
pub. Cambridge Uni. Press 1962
* The Strategy of Truth – Leonard Nathanson pub. Uni. Of Chicago 1967
* Sir Thomas Browne: A Doctor’s Life of Science and Faith - J.S. Finch pub. Henry Schuman N.Y. 1950
* 4th edition of Pseudodoxia Epidemica (1658) with Urn-Burial and The Garden of Cyrus appended.
* Thomas Browne Selected Writings ed. Kevin Killeen pub. Oxford Uni. Press 2014
* Thomas Browne: A Biographical and Critical Study - Frank Huntley pub. Uni. of Michigan 1962
*The Miscellaneous writings of Sir Thomas Browne edited by Geoffrey Keynes pub. Faber and Faber 1946
* 2 of the 3 volumes of The Works of Sir Thomas Browne edited by Simon Wilkins pub. Henry Bohn 1832
Not included in photo -
* A Catalogue of the Libraries of Sir Thomas Browne and Dr Edward Browne, his son. A Facsimile Reproduction with an Introduction, Notes and Index by J.S. Finch. pub. E. J. Brill 1986 (Essential for understanding the extraordinary range of Browne's interests and studies).
* The Major Works of Sir Thomas Browne edited and with an Introduction by C. A. Patrides Penguin 1977 (First favourite).
* Peter Green Writers and their Work no. 108 pub. Longmans and co. 1959 ( brief but insightful essay 36 pp )
* King James Bible (1611). Fundamental to Browne's spirituality, frequently referenced throughout his writings and a major influence upon his literary style.